
About Magnetic Therapy
Innovations in natural therapy have increased the success rate of magnetic thrapy from 50% - 90%

Magnetic therapy has been used for centuries for pain relief in the Far East but is now an acceptable form of pain management in the Western World. To gain the maximum benefits the user must be able to determine which polarity is best for them. The British organization, Ecostar made this possible with the patented MagnaMax which was a major asset to Hull FC & The Humberside police and fire departments. Well Beings has now brought this device to Canada, which features a Magnetic Insert with four polarity settings, this allows the user to customise the configuration of the poles to ideally suit their individual needs. The MagnaMax pack contains the Magnetic Insert, a Wrist Strap & an Application Strap. The Magnetic Insert can be used with the Wrist Strap for daily relief or the Application Strap which enables the treatment to be applied directly to the painful area which accelerates the results. MagnaMax can dramatically reduce, & sometimes eliminate, pain. MagnaMax is a safe alternative to chemical painkillers for treating a variety of ailments including arthritis, back pain, migraine, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder & RSI, sports injuries, MS, ME, blood pressure, fibrositus, fractures, fybromyalgia and more.
See the complete list on the Ailments page.
Summary Analysis for MagnaMax Results
From the data from roughly 3000 users, it is clear that the treatment has been beneficial for the majority of the groups.
Period for Positive Effects to be Felt
From a group of 199 subjects, 69% reported a positive effect within 1-7 days, a further 22% in 8-14 days, another 8% in 15-30 days and the last 1% in 30-40 days.
Effectiveness of Different Polarities
In a group of 528 subjects reporting on the effectiveness of various polarity settings, 1% reported no benefit from any of the settings. From the remaining 99% of the subjects, 57% found south north south most effective, 11% south south south, 28% north north north and 18 north south north. It should be noted some subjects reported more than one setting to be effective.
Reduction in Medication
In a group of 159 subjects, 53% reported that they were able to reduce their medication and in some cases eliminate all medication.
Reduction in Pain
In a group of 558 subjects, 94% reported a significant reduction in pain and 6% reported no pain relief.
Reduction in Swelling
In a group of 161 subjects, 87% reported a reduction in swelling and 13% reported no reduction in swelling.
Improved Mobility
In a group of 488 subjects, 92% reported improvement in mobility and 8% reported no improvement.
From a practical viewpoint the above analysis indicates that magnotherapy treatment provided by the MagnaMax can be very beneficial however for the patient to be able to maximize the effectiveness they must have the option to try the various polarity settings. It can also be concluded from the data gathered, that there were no long term negative side effects from the treatment.