Letters from users
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Tony Usher B.A.(Hons), Dip AKRegistered practitioner and member ofThe Association of Systematic Kinesiology |
Dear Richard Gill,
Thank you so much for sending me the MagnaMax along with the information leaflets.
I wanted to try MagnaMax out for myself because I had heard that magnets can spin the red blood cells which allowed them to shed any debris which in turn has a cleansing effect on the body.
Unfortunately or fortunately, just before receiving MagnaMax I injured my knee. So I thought I would put the magnet to the test. Its innovative design allowed me to wear the magnet day and night. It did have a marked effect on reducing the pain and significantly increased the speed of my recovery……as you know joints can take forever to heal.
I particularly liked the design of the magnet which allowed the polarities to be adjusted to suit the individual. I have found that, different ailments and different people require different polarity settings and that these can change over time. Using Kinesiology I am able to test for the best setting, however ’trial and error’ undoubtedly will achieve the same results.
I will definitely be recommending this product to my colleagues and patients and I am looking forward to seeing how MagnaMax affects patients who have more chronic ailments.
Thank you once again,
Yours sincerely,
Tony Usher
Mr Richard Gill
11 Sage Close
E Yorkshire
HU17 8WH
Dear Richard
I have now been wearing the Magna Max since 19 January 2001.
I was involved in a car accident five years ago which resulted in a fracture dislocation of my left ankle. The talus took a long time to unite and I was in plaster in a wheelchair for four months and then on crutches for twelve months. Since then I have had a lot of pain in the left ankle.
I have also had pain in my left knee and hip for about the last six months due to walking badly because of the increasing pain in my ankle.
Since wearing the MagnaMax I have been amazed and delighted at the reduction in pain.
I have occasional pain in my hip but at a much reduced level, and my ankle pain has reduced by 80%.
I usually wear the MagnaMax 24hrs a day on my wrist.
I have changed the polarity (which is a good feature on this aid) from + + + to + - + and - - -, finding that + + + gives me the most benefit.
Yours faithfully
Pat Smith
Dear Debby,
I have suffered from total paralysis to all of my body with the exception of my arms since polio in 1940. Excessive use of my arms has led to severe strain pains in my right hand side, shoulder, upper arm and hand. I suspect this may be arthritis.
Since wearing MagnaMax there has been a tremendous reduction in pain with more mobility, even with excessive use of arms, life is definitely more bearable. I am able to put more strain on my arm for mobility and raising my arm is less painful. Also, I find my handgrip is much improved which is vital for mobility.
I have also noticed that I have significantly fewer migraines than before wearing MagnaMax and that overall my body movements are greatly improved.
I have tried all of the polarity settings and the one that seems to give me the best results is the - - - setting. I have worn MagnaMax continuously since I received it and have found a substantial reduction in muscle and joint pain, thus giving me more mobility and a less stressful life.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you feel I can be of any help to you. In the meantime, I wish you every success in your promotion of the MagnaMax and hope that you will be able to help many more people as time goes by.
Yours very sincerely,
Jillian Moverley.