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MAGNETISM CAN BEAT PAIN PETER CUSHING, a Thatcham policeman, left, is one of a growing band of patients singing the praises of magnotherapy. Since he began wearing a recently launched bracelet called MagnaMax , his severe leg pains have eased and he no l
Longer has migraines. Peter, who is a dog handler with the Ministry of Defence Police, broke a leg in a motorbike accident while serving in the army in 1976. "I had my leg in plaster for 15 weeks which seized the knee up and I suffered a lot of pain. It got so bad that my wife virtually had to carry me up the stairs sometimes." The MagnaMax was suggested as a possible aid about two months ago by his daughter Lindsay, who works for GNC, in Northbrook Street, Newbury. The Health and Diet center stocks the bracelet which was patented in 1997 by Richard and Deborah Gill of Beverley, East Yorkshire. They were in the store in Newbury on Monday this week helping to promote the product. Richard discovered, completely by accident as it happens, that when patients in pain could change their magnetic field from one setting to another, their level of relief increased dramatically. Magnotherapy has been used for thousands of years, and in the Far East it has been readily accepted without people want to know how or why it works. However, in the West people are more cautious and require more evidence. The main difference between MagnaMax and other magnotherapy products is that the polarity of the magnets can be changed from the regular North-South-North to N-N-N or S-S-S or S-N-S. Deborah, who was sceptical about its qualities until she tried it herself, said: "From our research and customer feedback we have concluded that 51% of people get a result with the - + - polarity. In the 49% group, users reported back improvement in mobility and pain relief in both the - - - and + + +" They recommend patients to try the wrist strap on all polarities to find which suits them best. Richard said it is not known precisely why or how the system achieves its success and there is little scientific evidence to support it. It is possible the magnetic fields on the pulse improves blood circulating around the body, getting more blood to affected areas. The couple conducted various tests and trials before launching the MagnaMax this February. MagnaMax is sold on a 90 days full money-back guarantee, because they realise many potential beneficiaries are old and not prepared to risk paying almost £25.00 for a MagnaMax . More then 120 have been sold, and of the six returns to date, three said they did not work and three complained that it was rough on their sensitive skin. However, it has also helped one person who was suffering from a severe case of psoriasis. Others to benefit have suffered from back pain, tennis elbow, arthritis, shin splints and Achilles tendonitis. It still remains a mystery as to how magnetic fields can reduce pain and accelerate healing, however there are too many people claiming relief for this phenomenon to be dismissed. Anyone wanting more information should contact Chris Gil at 604 349 3550 or or email


Letter from Muscle & Fitness  Lucky Winner


Dear Chris,


 I have many interests in my life, to name a few: Bodybuilding (totally natural), computers (I am an IT Manager during the day), Alternative medicine and the Psychic world (I have done some work for Uri Gella and run a small business with Sandra my wife and partner under Moon-Stone, I offer many services and have clients all over the world in every walk of life) I find Doctors overall very difficult to get them to try new things in this country, because of their training they have very narrow views on new things. They seam convinced anything that is not within the realms of traditional medicine is all placebo. This is a shame as I come into contact with 10 GP's in my primary job as IT Manager during the day. Some will use acupuncture but only as a pain relief. I have an open mind and do not allow placebo to effect me, besides the MagnaMax is so comfortable you soon forget you have it on. When I first put the MagnaMax on, I felt lightheaded; I already have a small magnetic copper wristband on. I suffer from some pain in my left elbow following an accident on a motor bike some six years ago, and when I was younger dislocating my right knee during judo a few times. I also stress my joints with my natural body building, which I participate in three times a week. I take a few food supplements that help, but no drugs not even painkillers I prefer to use aromatherapy. I do not measure the positive benefits of your MagnaMax in days but hours, and on the first time of wearing it on taking it off I felt a massive drop in energy and a queer feeling.


When I first put it on after the light headed feeling I became totally oxygenated and my energy levels went up massively, this was on setting + - +. I no longer feel light headed on putting it on, or odd when taking it off. My body is very sensitive to effects inside and out as I am totally clean, I do not even take aspirin or paracetamol, and only drink the very odd glass of wine. On setting +++ I find pain relief, and calmness. I have used the MagnaMax on my wrist, left elbow, neck and stomach. I wear it on the wrist during the day to kick up my energy levels; I quite often cut back on sleep! so need more energy. (I take Korean Ginseng every day) A very unusual effect that has occurred on +++ and - - - settings is with my eyes. I have very poor long sight. I also had an eye injury when I was young that dislodged my left eye out of the socket, I suffer from very bad floaters that cloud my eyes so bad that on some days its like the lights have been switched off in the room. It gets worse when I am tired or I do a lot of concentrated computer work (which is my day job).


MagnaMax improves my eye sight on +++ & - - - settings the floaters move out of my area of vision and everything is brighter, my eye strain is much less and any headaches disappear. Following one session of body building while performing an exercise with my head harness (1 currently use 20 kg with my head harness and chain) and also doing some heavy good mornings I found the next day my neck to be very stiff. I used the strap on my neck on setting +++, this introduced heat to the area and removed 80% off the pain and stiffness within a period of around 30 minutes, after 3 hours with it on my neck was virtual normal. I do not experience eye improvement with - + - or + - + or much energy increases, but these settings are quite good with some muscle aches. As regards to muscle repair I believe because there is a reduction in post exercise muscle pain, also a reduction in cortisol release. Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal cortex, which has among other actions a catabolic effect on muscle. That means cortisol will increase the degradation of muscle proteins, in other words it strips muscle mass.


As I have noticed that MagnaMax gives me a feeling of calmness, I believe this reduces stress and the release of cortisol hormone. I there for believe I have proved that muscle repair is improved with the wearing of the MagnaMax. My resting pulse is 46 beats per minute, but when I wear the MagnaMax, it can go down to 43 beats per minute. I have worn the MagnaMax on my left elbow after very heavy arm curls on setting +++ or - - - and had 80% reduction in pain virtually immediately on putting it on and total pain free within four hrs. I currently weigh 72.4 kg and regularly use my EZ bar on 44 kg and 54 kg. I have also experienced total realise from pain following an upset stomach when using the MagnaMax. On another note I have noticed that the wrist I wear the MagnaMax on I get a muscle twitch and sometimes a pulse throb on setting + - + and sometimes on +++ around the area I have had the wrist band and along the forearm. The magnet is extremely powerful on setting +++ and - - - about 99.9% more powerful than my normal copper wrist one, which during these experiments have kept on. I do not know if the setting on this cooper wrist one is - or + polarity. It cost £16.00. I hope these observations will be of some use to you and I am very happy to have a follow up story done in Muscle and Fitness if you would like.


Yours faithfully


George Brann Snr.




Dear Sir or Madam: Ref. customer feed back form (Magnamax given as present)


I am sorry that I have lost my customer feed back form, my Dad has said I should have looked after it better. I am 16 years of age so you can probably forgive me! I have epilepsy with gross and fine motor co-ordination problems; I am currently not on medication. I have in the past suffered from bad headaches when I concentrate hard. The Magnamax my dad bought for me is really great it helps me with my fine and motor co-ordination and my head is so much better. I think it helps my eyestrain and my muscle spasms. I currently have a H&L black s/m band and would like to request another be sent out to me, I enclose a stamp address envelope. Thank you for developing this product that has helped me coop with my medical problems better.


Yours faithfully


Damian Brann

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